Why keep your pool clean

Its Important to keep your pool maintained and clean

There are a few main reasons why it is beneficial to keep your pool clean and healthy.  In short, you keep your pool clean so you can use it but you might not know what happens when you don’t keep your swimming pool clear and inviting.  Aside from just the enjoyment factor you also want to maintain your pool is for financial reasons.  If you neglect your pool it can turn into a money pit if you ever want to get it back up in running condition.  Dirty pools can also be a breading grounds for bacteria and other nasty germs.  If you pool is well maintained you can avoid potentially harmful germs.

Green Pools

Green Pools happen when algae starts to bloom and take over your pool, this is the most common reason we are called to Revive a swimming pool.  We can treat a green pool with two different options, deciding to use either option depends on how thick the algae growth has become.  If its still not completely taken over we might be able to clean the pool with a basic Chemical Shock, if its really bad we’ll have to drain and clean the pool with a chlorine wash.

Cloudy Pools

Cloudy Pools can happen when there is a chemical imbalance in your pool.  It can be caused by so many different factors, we’ll list some of them below.

If the chemistry is good and the pool is being properly shocked and treated on a regular basis, then it might be that the pool’s mechanics are at fault.  Many pool owners quickly blame “bad chemicals”, but it is important to note that most of the time environmental and mechanical issues should be ruled out before you skip to chemical issues.  The mechanical and environmental components that can contribute to murky pool water include:

  • Improper pump and/or motor size
  • Insufficient filtering time
  • Poor circulation,
  • Improper filter size
  • Improper maintenance (vacuuming & brushing).
  • Pollen and Tree Sap
  • Leaves
  • Dirt
  • Bird Droppings
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